Bridges Chiropractic Blog

What is the Central Nervous System in Sioux Falls SD?

What is the Central Nervous System in Sioux Falls SD?

Do people in Sioux Falls SD know about the Central Nervous System? The Central Nervous System (CNS) is made up of the brain and spinal cord and is the control center of the body.  Nearly every process that the body performs is regulated by the nervous system.  Even self-regulating processes such as heart beats are…

Leaky Gut Syndrome in Sioux Falls SD

Leaky Gut Syndrome in Sioux Falls SD

Leaky Gut Syndrome in Sioux Falls SD Leaky Gut Syndrome in Sioux Falls SD… You may have heard of it, but you probably have no idea what it is.  According to S.K. Dash, Ph.D. in his book “The Consumer’s Guide to Probiotics:  Leaky Gut Syndrome” he writes leaky gut syndrome is “a serious condition and…

What Are Orthotics in Sioux Falls SD?

What Are Orthotics in Sioux Falls SD?

What Are Orthotics in Sioux Falls SD? Orthotics in Sioux Falls SD are available over the counter or often times by prescription.  The purpose of wearing orthotics is to properly align your feet to avoid or treat injuries.  Only about one in four people has a normal running pattern.  The rest of the population either…

Over-Training in Sioux Falls SD

Over-Training in Sioux Falls SD

Over-Training in Sioux Falls SD One very serious problem that many runners face is over-training in Sioux Falls SD. Learn more in this blog post. How to protect yourself from injury in Sioux Falls SD Most runners know that running too many miles without rest can leave you feeling exhausted and put you at risk…

Morton’s Neuroma in Sioux Falls SD

Morton’s Neuroma in Sioux Falls SD

Morton’s Neuroma in Sioux Falls SD Morton’s Neuroma in Sioux Falls SD is a painful condition that affects the ball of the foot, usually between the third and fourth toes. What causes Morton’s Neuroma in Sioux Falls SD? It is caused by a thickening of the tissue surrounding the nerves in the foot and often…

Tips For Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Sioux Falls SD

Tips For Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Sioux Falls SD

Tips For Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Sioux Falls SD For the past couple weeks we have been posting about simple ways to help prevent cardiovascular disease in Sioux Falls SD.  The blog posts here are intended to give a few ideas to implement into one’s life to keep them healthy so they can keep running/jogging/walking…